Diversity work 

Diversity Agents are a network of arts and culture professionals who have multicultural backgrounds, strategic diversity skills as well as knowledge and experience of the work ethic in Finland. In addition, they have extensive creative and problem-solving skills and the ability to communicate information in an engaging and constructive way. I completed Diversity Agent Course run by Culture for All, Globe Art Point and the Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore in 2019.


So far I have collaborated with: 

Ministry of Education and Culture / Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö

Prison Museum / Vankilamuseo

Children Centre Pessi, City of Vantaa / Lastenkulttuurikeskus Pessi, Vantaan kaupunki

Cultura Foundation / Cultura-säätiö

Arts Promotion Center Finland / Taiteen edistämiskeskus

Arts promotion center Finalnd has published  Dialogue cards.


The dialogue cards are designed to be used in three-hour workshops in which participants discuss how cultural diversity and sustainable development are reflected within their work community and field, as well as how their organisation could better take them into account in its operations. As diversity agent, I have participated in the development of the methodology of the workshops.

Fragment of my textile piece Market square is printed in the card which facilitates  the discussion on Poverty.

It is an image of the market square in Helsinki where the ferry to Suomenlinna fortress island leaves from, created during residency in HIAP Suomenlinna.